Wednesday 5 October 2016

Watch this space!

Dear blog readers (all three of you), the posters of this humble blog are engaging in something of a competition...

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Buteo Returns!

Wow, it's been a long time since my last post.  I have not been idle but not as productive as I would like.  I've had the time to finish up my Land Raider Spartan and my 10 man Cataphratii Terminator squad!  It was a lot of fun to paint the spartan, at first I was dreading this because painting my Sicaran was soul breaking.  I think the unit and transport came out rather well.  More pictures after the jump.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Heretical Opinions - Novel reviews

I'm going to try something new with this humble hobby blog and share my heretical opinions in miniature, there will be minor spoilers. I'll try and do this for the all of the novels' major story arcs. First up the original trilogy. 

Saturday 16 July 2016

Umbra Mortis

Hi Guys!!

Long time no see! I'll first apologise for not posting in such a long time but it has been a combination of things. I don't have good enough lighting for taking pictures, i'm lazy, was too busy actually painting, i'm lazy, i've been working and lastly i'm lazy.

You will notice that all of these models are Raven Guard, apparently i love space ninja's but the Son's of Horus will return by christmas.

Ill start off by showing you the completed Leviathan Siege dreadnought in its completed glory. 

Monday 20 June 2016

Alpha Vorbak Complete!

I'm happy to say I've finally managed to complete my Alpha Legion Gal Vorbak. Alpha Vorbak, if you will.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Another serrated son joins the dark brotherhood!

He's got more eyes than I'm entirely comfortable with...
Finally I've had a few moments to paint... and boy, did I paint! Two solid days of trying to remember what end of the brush to hold and how to get back into the old familiar routine.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Minor progress is still progress...

I have painted the grand total of one model in the last couple of months due to my frantic work schedule. But hey, that makes 2 gal vorbak! 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Legion XI Deredeo with Shiny New Assault Cannons

Finished up the Assault Cannons for my Deredeo.  Now he can shoot down some traitors even better than before!  Although from my experience so far with him it probably won't be needed.  The only time when I needed to shoot those guys are defensively before I was going to get charged, now people will have to be extra careful as they can take up to 11 shots if they get too close.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Buteo's WIP - Assault Cannon Edition

With the release of Retribution, Blood angels got access to Assault Cannons on everything!  So here's the start of my decent into assault cannon heaven.  I've got a tournament coming up and I'm taking my Deredeo Contemptor Dreadnought with me and with a few extra points left over I decided to give it twin linked assault cannons.  This was a really easy conversion to do.  I used the assault cannons from the Ravenwing landspeeder upgrade sprue I had lying around.  I just took the front of the assault cannons and the glue the ammo box to the bottom.

Saturday 16 April 2016

Legion IX Elite


Legiones Astartes Terminators are amongst the most feared warriors in the galaxy.  Best suited for engagements in confined quarters and for being all around bad asses!  This kit is great, I got them nearly 10 months ago and assembled them but didn't paint them yet.  I had a lot of fun buliding and painting them.  To make them stand out a little bit from my bog standard marines, I've painted black marble on their left shoulder pad and single knee pad.  The bases are also a departure from my normal ones, I added more colours and variation to flooring.

Monday 4 April 2016

Tread Carefully, and with a Big Gun.

Another completion! I know I have been rather quiet as of late but have been rather distracted with numerous side projects which you will see very soon in my next blog!

Sunday 3 April 2016

Buteo Returns with WIPs!

Life has got in the way and I haven't had as much time as I would like for my Legiones Astartes.  I even played a game!  I have made some minor progress though by stealing half an hour here and maybe an hour there.  I've been painting my Cataphratii Terminators and assembled a Proteus Land Raider.  I really hope in the future that FW molds all the tracks onto the vehicle itself as I easily spent an hour to get my tracks on correctly and making it stable again.  Argh!  It won't stop me from buying more models like that but it will continue to annoy me to no end!

Monday 28 March 2016

Moritat - set to kill, ready to die

I've finished my moritat model! 

What kind of self respecting operative doesn't have a Hydra tattoo?
As the model was coming together I was enjoying making him so much his backstory pretty much wrote itself:

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Some new gubbinz iz incomin' BOSS!!

Excuse the Ork-ish title, but i do get rather excited when I've been working on new stuff, or more accurately these are mini's that I've been working on for a while and simply haven't had time to post on the blog!

I do have a soft spot for dreadnought's of all shapes and sizes. As the guy's have mentioned in previous posts we recently had a chance to all meet up and go the Forge World weekender and play a game using the armies we had been building. I wanted to be sneaky and bring something the guys had not seen, so I decided on a Leviathan siege dreadnought because why not lol.

Ancient Khalon

Sunday 28 February 2016

Post Weekender Projects

I was hoping to have a lengthy discussion about my hobby projects but work has been rather manic since the Weekender and I've not even had the time to take a breath and debrief. A battle report will surely follow. All in good time.

As I've barely managed to hobby this month I will tease you with my next project and this year's plans, I can say only this: There will be shields, bikes, Children, death from the skies and a Primarch. Here's a WIP:

Monday 8 February 2016

Fresh Blood Joins the 4th Legion

So what seems like an age since my last blog post I’ve finally got round to another completed squad and my first character (albeit a support character!). There have been many a distraction which has kept me from getting my squaddies finished which you will see later…

Monday 1 February 2016

The XXth Legion.

The reason we started this blog was to get a heresy army painted up over 6 months. The idea was to paint up 1500 points, and it turned out to be harder than expected to get done. Better late than never, and I was surprisingly only a couple of weeks later than expected in hitting my goal! 

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Blood Angel's Contemptor Dreadnought

This model was a joy to paint.  What's not to love?  Lots of details, large areas to shade and blend colours in and it's a freaking robot!  Sadly it's only 95% of the way there.  If you look closely the the shields on the shoulder and leg are not done.  I don't know what to put there yet and am waiting on the next Horus Heresy book so I can get some ideas.  I'm getting much better at my shading a blending and it's not as "bright" anymore. 

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Vigilator Alpha HQ

Hey guys, a quick post today to let you know I'm a closer! I mean, I've finished painting my HH weekender army, and the last model to be completed was my Vigilator. Progress below:

Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Master of Signals!

Who is a deep-cover cell operative meant to call when they need a noisy exfiltration? None other than the famous harbinger of orbital annihilation and master of signals that calls himself Alpharius.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Legion IX Vigilator

Vigilator Complete!  This was a fun guy to paint, overall I think he came out very well.  There's always something that you want to do better.  I based this model off the limited edition consul when forgeworld's new webstore opened, cape from Asterion Moloc, and the head is from the ravenwing biker sprue. Now I've got a stealthy guy to lead my army, tactically I want to use him to scout my assault squad or tactical squad.  The fact he has stealth gives my troops a little bit more resilience.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Along came a tyrant!

So after some rather furious painting to make up for going off on a tangent from my original commitment I’ve managed to get through 5 tyrant siege terminators all with cyclone missile launchers, which is a nice 295pts to add to my completions!

Monday 4 January 2016

Happy New Year Battle Brothers!

And what a thing to kick off the year with. I should have made this my New Year's resolution - 3 days of holidays left and a hell of a challenge set out. Paint a Sicaran. See how that went below. 

Sunday 3 January 2016

For The Emperor and Sanguinius!


I've definitely ended the year on a high note having completed my 1500 point Blood Angel force.  This is going to be a long post so you may want to make a cup of tea.  This project has almost consumed my entire hobby existence for 2015.  I must say it's been a long road but worth it at the end.  I've been in this hobby for over 10 years and this is the 2nd 1500 army that I've painted in completeness.  Though I'm going to apply some decals and markings once I get the 6th Horus Heresy book into my hands.