So after some rather furious painting to make up for going off on a tangent from my original commitment I’ve managed to get through
5 tyrant siege terminators all with cyclone missile launchers, which is a nice
295pts to add to my completions!
This was a really fun unit to paint and a nice change of
pace from 20 tacticals. Also my first use of getting chevrons in straight lines
and some hard to reach places. Looking at you tyrant sergeant!!
I may come back to this squad and add some more leg chevrons
or legrons once my sanity has been regained.
So far the tyrants have been
nicely pulling their weight in the games, the combination of cataphracti armour
(4+ invulnerable) and long range missiles gives my opponents headaches. However
beware the humble bolter! On their first outing they got plastered by some
sneaky Alpha legion tacticals. Never again!
The models were a real joy to build and convert, being a mixture of several different kits. I started off with gorgon terminators as a base, with Grey Knight paladin helmets for a suitably Iron Warriors look and chaos terminator power fists. I've toying with adding another squad somewhere down the line but start with the Death Guard Death Shroud terminators as a base. But that is still some way off,
Fire all zeh missiles!
Get ready for your close up!
The first of many: A legron
Missile chevrons, the tip is in the tape
Other squadies
Now for my next pledge I’m going to be returning to my iron
havoc autocannon squad, along with a master of signal and 2 apothecaries, more
next month! WIP below:
Looking good! Particularly great work on those Chevys.
ReplyDeleteYou continue to live in fear of my tactical mastery I see. This bodes well.
The Iron legions grows! Keep up the good work loving the strips, always a great way to add more colour.
ReplyDeleteFirst game into 30k and I developed an irrational fear of bolters thanks to you Syra! I'm now seriously torn between wanting to paint or build my next wave of troops!