Wednesday 13 July 2016

Alpha Legion holding down the fort with a barrage of posts!

Hey all, I've made some inroads on the quad mortars. 12 barrels of hell after the jump...

You may remember way back in September last year I got my first quad mortar team:

And after using it I realised it wouldn't fulfil its true potential without a couple of buddies to share the high explosive burden, so I posted this way back in January, when just the guns were painted to a tabletop standard before I took them to the Heresy weekender:

Well I'm glad to announce that I finally actually finished this squad - with the guns and the gunners finally painted! Slow and steady eh?

This is also my first real crack at doing any damage style weathering or transfers on my Alpha legion, something I'll be going back through my units and really working on to complete the army to it's full potential.

On the table these cannons have been beasts in almost every game I've played, standard blasts have been able to lay on the wounds pretty thick and shatter shells in particular are the only real answer I've managed to consistently have to leviathans and land raiders. I hope you like them as much as I do.

Syra out.


  1. Looking great! I'm dread those quad mortors, real beasts! Can't wait to see you apply that weathering and decals to the entire force.

    1. Thanks dude, gotta power through now it's like painting the army all over again.

  2. Looking really good man, I love how crisp the gunshields are paint and decal wise. Top stuff!
