Tuesday 1 March 2016

Some new gubbinz iz incomin' BOSS!!

Excuse the Ork-ish title, but i do get rather excited when I've been working on new stuff, or more accurately these are mini's that I've been working on for a while and simply haven't had time to post on the blog!

I do have a soft spot for dreadnought's of all shapes and sizes. As the guy's have mentioned in previous posts we recently had a chance to all meet up and go the Forge World weekender and play a game using the armies we had been building. I wanted to be sneaky and bring something the guys had not seen, so I decided on a Leviathan siege dreadnought because why not lol.

Ancient Khalon

I really enjoyed modelling and painting this guy, it was a joy from start to finish, and is probably the reason i got him done in a week. I still need to go back and weather the decals, but overall im very happy with the way he came out. While he was a nuisance in the game a warhammer world, he was an absolute BEAST against Ferrum Fratris' Iron warriors, destroying his leviathan, a tactical squad with chaplain and a Medusa siege tank!

I'll be posting some more bits over the course of this week, as im due a few more posts (as the rest of the guys remind me on pretty much a daily basis lol) , so see you soon.

Sam B, Jarl of Onn.

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