Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Watch this space!

Dear blog readers (all three of you), the posters of this humble blog are engaging in something of a competition...

You see, we are gaining momentum for a massive game (with 16,000 points between us) at the Heresy Weekender 2017 and don't want to give the game away to each other by revealing too much of what we are cooking up for that fateful occassion. Except Buteo. Everyone knows what he has.

Unfortunaturally that means we won't be posting everything we are working on until next Spring. This means regular posting will be somewhat lighter for the next few months, not that we were particularly regular anyway.

However there will still be posts! Never fear we are all the kinds of resin addicts who are working on multiple projects.

Other types of content will be coming too, like that long overdue battle report from the Heresy weekender 2016! Eventually anyway...

As always, thanks for reading and following our hobbing!

Syra out.

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