Thursday 31 December 2015

Alpha Whirly Scorps ready for war!

Man I love Christmas time. Forget the turkey and the cranberry sauce. No fat men in red suits or babies in mangers for me please! I didn't even get any presents. Nope, I love this time of year because I get so much time off to unwind and paint! 

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Tactical squads incoming.

With Christmas come and  gone it’s been a rather hectic few weeks and I have to confess I have not got nearly as much completed as I was hoping! So in my previous post I pledged a volkite caliver squad, an autocannon squad and a vigilator which fell rather short of getting my attention.
Instead I turned my eye to the trusty tactical marines that are the bread and butter of my Iron Warrior horde. I;ve got two completed tactical squads as follows:

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Alpha Rhino complete!

Short and sweet post today - I painted my Deimos Rhino. I have to say it started as a struggle (filling all the holes in the tracks and exhaust pipes with metal paint is a chore) but turned into a real joy with the detailing/stenciling and highlights.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Blood Angel Assault Squad Finished.

I finished up 5 more assault marines to bulk out my Assault Squad to 15 marines, 3 with power axes. One step closer to 2k points for our Horus Heresy Weekender throw down.  It's getting closer and I'm looking forward to a weekend worth of Gaming goodness.  Lots of to look forward to and hopefully buy.  I can see a Legion Glaive in my future....

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Risen Dead, to War once more!

Much like Buteo I'm just getting on with the painting. Ah such freedom the lack of being shackled to a commitment brings… and it’s still a long road to the Heresy Weekender in February. Here's what I've done in the meantime…

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Achievement Unlocked! Legal Legiones Astartes Force.

I've been working on my IX Legiones Astartes force for 9 months now and I've finally got an age of darkness legal force completely painted!  I'm quite happy with myself and pushing to have a 2k force done in time for the Horus Heresy Weekender in February.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Enter the Raven Guard!!

Hey Guys so ive got around to taking some more pics of the stuff I'm working on. Now given all the cool Heresy stuff that forge world are churning out, i had simply had to induldge and start a new legion force. Its the Raven Guard!

The Raven have amazing lore and background story, and love the way special forces/ Murder ninja feel they have. I also wanted to see how i would cope with painting black, as it is notoriously hard to get right. 

Monday 23 November 2015

The Path of Iron, Rust and Endless Trenches!

So….how did it I get here? A short little story before I get to the Grand Battalion at work. Like many who found Chaos in the much hallowed 3.5 edition, it has been hard ever since to find an army with as flavoursome rules and representation for the traitor legions. Back then I was a Word Bearer but no more! I’ve dipped my feet in and out of 40k over the past few years but it’s all just got a bit crazy for me with stacking rules, formations and unbound, that’s not a game I want to spend a few precious hours in the evening playing.

Friday 20 November 2015


So after months of frantic painting and a few games scattered in between, i ve finally managed to get around posting some WIP pics. I must add at this point some the models in the pics are completed or or close to, i just have been too busy to take more pictures. Hopefully it should give you an idea of the flavour of the force.

Justaerin Terminators

The Justaerin at various stages of completion

Thursday 19 November 2015

Syra's commitment catch ups!

The Alphas rockin' it up in da club...

Picture heavy post incoming today... One hell of a heavy commitment accomplished!

Buteo's Musings

In an attempt to post regularly I will be starting a series of posts where I share what I find interesting in the hobby world and maybe some WIPs of stuff I'm working on.

Betrayal at Calth Thoughts

As many people know Betrayal of Calth has been released with the highly anticipated plastic 30k space marines.  You get a lot of bang for your buck as you get 30 MKIV Marines, 5 Cataphratii Termies, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 1 Chaplain and 1 Terminator Preator.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with everything but it's a lot of good stuff.  I didn't get it for the game so I'm not going to speculate if it's going to be good or not but will share some thoughts about the minis in the box.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Buteo Returns!

Like Vulkan, I rise from the dead to bring you more IXth Legion goodness!  Lots of exciting things have happened and most excitingly is the announcement of book VI with the rules for Blood Angels!  More after the jump.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Buteo - August update!

August didn't quite go as planned as I wasn't able to get as much painted as I would like....  But I did get a bit done.

Well I moved homes in August well more specifically I moved across the Atlantic ocean to my home country of Canada.  So August was filled with lots of non hobby related stuff.  I did get some paint on the sicaran though, I would say it's about 70% done.  I've got to do all the detailing and the red on the two sides.  So probably more like 60% done!  I'm going to try and complete my August commitment for September so still gonna try and get the Vindicator laser destroyer done this month too.  I've just moved into more permanent housing so I should have more time soon and hopefully be able to setup a hobby area.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Syra's August progress

Hey guys a quick post to update today!

August was a wash for me, between professional exams and a well deserved holiday I've had little time to hobby unfortunately. Here's what I've done:

Thursday 6 August 2015

FloorHammer 30k Battle Report (PART 2)

Battle Report: The Traitors Reveal Themselves! (Part 2)

This is the second part - Read Part 1 Here!

If you thought the battle was bloody so far - at this point in the story things get really ugly and a whole lot starts to die...

Turn 3 - Grimdark

The trap is sprung

Saturday 1 August 2015

Syra's Month #1 Complete and Month #2 Committments

It has been a great month for hobbying all around, starting with the brilliant FW open day in Nottingham and carrying on with a lot of fun (and occasionally grueling) times spent making my first Forge World resin army.

Not to mention the excellent battle that the three of us had with our fledgling legions (the second part of the battle report is coming soon)!

Buteo's Month #1 Complete and Month #2 Commitments.

It's been a busy month of hobbying for me.  Not just painting and assembling miniatures but I've been to Warhammer World twice in two weeks.  I went to the FW open day on July 7th and then for gaming with my Gaming club.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

JULY-ish commitment.

Wow, so it turns out this regular blog commitment is a bit harder to to stick to in real life lol. Kudos to Buteo and Syra to hanging in there and really getting some work done.

Having said that i haven't been a complete slouch and have got a fair amount of assembling done and the accompanying work that comes with that, especially when it comes to resin!

So this months commitment is going to be to complete the tactical squad I've started to paint, which you'll see in the pic below and the assembled army so far which i used in our game on the weekend, which was a blast!! This is by no means the finished army, there are many more units to come and i can't wait. This project has really made me regret not getting stuck into HH earlier, but better late than never!

The Sons of Horus so far..
You'll also see a headless Abaddon, as i will be painting in parts as he deserves that extra special attention. 

The tactical squad is about 190 points i was going to paint the the Rhino too, but after seeing Buteo's amazing Blood Angels, i MUST get an Airbrush for two reasons, the increase in speed, but also the fantastic results you get. 

FloorHammer 30k Battle Report (PART 1)

Battle Report: The Traitors Reveal Themselves!

Hey everybody, today is a special battle report because it's probably the only occasion for a long (long) while that all three of us would be in the same place.

I worked my ass off to have a fully assembled army ready to go for this one and I'll be showing off some pics of those models in a progress post soon.
So without any further ado, and apologies in advance for the over-saturated and fairly poor iPhone photography, let's get into it!

Monday 6 July 2015

Syra's month #1 - July commitments

I went out like a madman last month and got myself a giant pile of 30k, my entire 1500 points (and a bit more - all at once) and now it’s here!

All the pretties!

It’s all a little overwhelming at the moment and so I’m going to be sneaky with my first month’s target...

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Buteo's Month #1 Hobby Commitment

This will be my first commitment of 6!

As a recap this is a 1500k army that I'm working towards.  I'll be using this challenge to complete the painting and add some additional units to the army (you're never really done an army).  What's here will probably keep me painting for the next 3 months or so, that means I need to buy more so I don't run out of stuff to paint (always a good problem to have).

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Space Viking breaking face!!
This was the picture that did it.......Back when I was 11 or 12 year's old my very good friend Syra-and fellow blogger on this lured me in to the sweet embrace of 40K. He ripped me off for a battle force of Dark Eldar and i was over the moon, for a very brief time at least. A box of tactical marines later I took a trip to WH Smith to pick up the monthly White Dwarf (when it was good) and I saw THAT PICTURE on the front cover. 

I am Alpharius. Also, Syra.

                                          A case of split personalities

Peer pressure. That's where my hobby story begins: 

At the tender age of 11 I had just started a secondary school where the kids were playing this crazy game with dice and they simply demanded I join them. I can still hear them saying: "...don't collect Space Marines, everyone does... there's Orks and Eldar and they are way cooler!" 

I had no idea what they were talking about, I didn't even know what an 'ork' was back then... 

Monday 15 June 2015

The Story of Buteo

Everybody has a vice and mine was for miniature toy soldiers.  I've been a long time Games workshop fan and have been engaged on/off in the hobby for the past 20 years.  I was first introduced by a friend into the hobby when I was 11 during 2nd edition of Warhammer 40k and it had me completely hooked.  Super human soldiers, tanks and walking fighting robots?  What's not to love.  I started off with a blood angels army and absolutely loved it.  I spent many Sundays going to my local GW to play in their mega battles and being a general pest to their staff.

Warhammer 40k 2nd Starter Set

Tuesday 9 June 2015


This blog is a place for a few of us to release our inner greek and show our love for the Warhammer 30k universe or more specifically the Horus Heresy.

There'll be three of us and we'll introduce ourselves in a separate post but I will say we're all long time fans of Games Workshop.

As with any fan of this hobby we've got a lot of models to assemble and paint (an endless supply really).  To help us achieve that we're going to do a Hobby Challenge.

Hobby Challenge Guidelines:

Goal: 1500 point painted force
Deadline: 6 Months
Monthly Commitment: ~250 points
    - Doesn't have to be exactly 250 points a month, but in the end we will have a 1500 point force complete.
Post Guidelines:
    - commitment post
        - pics of commitment
        - points pledged
    - completed post
        - pics of completed minis
        - group shot so far (optional)
        - points completed so far
        - high/low points during month (optional)

We're going to start July 1st and end December 31st.  Stay tuned for more update!