Tuesday 8 September 2015

Syra's August progress

Hey guys a quick post to update today!

August was a wash for me, between professional exams and a well deserved holiday I've had little time to hobby unfortunately. Here's what I've done:

I have made some progress on my army and settled on a colour scheme. Well, a few colour schemes. I think I'll go with some variation from model to model to indicate the shifting nature of the hydra instead of trying to do it the boring way of having every model identical, because "I am Alpharius". 

The pictures here are the most successful and interesting of the 10 or so test models I painted, some of which are waaay out there at the extremes of takes on the alpha legion scheme. I didn't go as far as to paint them all as a different legion and be extra sneaky though ;).

I've also added a couple of new entries to my army, including a new sicaran and this beauty:

I'll try my best to catch up on this through September and extend the commitment when I have a clearer idea of what's possible. Let me know what you think!

Syra Out


1 comment:

  1. I really like the one at the top. It's got great colour. Maybe pull back a bit on the edge highlight and I think it'll be perfect. That quad mortar is a BEAST! I'm scared of it and looking forward to getting some myself! Keep up the good work.
