Thursday 10 December 2015

Enter the Raven Guard!!

Hey Guys so ive got around to taking some more pics of the stuff I'm working on. Now given all the cool Heresy stuff that forge world are churning out, i had simply had to induldge and start a new legion force. Its the Raven Guard!

The Raven have amazing lore and background story, and love the way special forces/ Murder ninja feel they have. I also wanted to see how i would cope with painting black, as it is notoriously hard to get right. 

Below are some pics of the contemptor i'm working on plus some other units which are WIP for the Sons of Horus legion.
Raven Contemptor
SoH Deredeo WIP
I have quite a few more models lined up and hope to get some more pics taken and posted, so you can see the progress being made! See you guys soon. 
Sam B.

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