Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Risen Dead, to War once more!

Much like Buteo I'm just getting on with the painting. Ah such freedom the lack of being shackled to a commitment brings… and it’s still a long road to the Heresy Weekender in February. Here's what I've done in the meantime…

…Aha, fooled you with the work in progress picture before the jump – it’s done! I’ve finished painting my Alpha contemptor, and such a joy it was. FW have out done themselves with how simple and beautiful contemptors are but they really lavished on the love with the Alpha legion one. She’s a beauty and probably was the deciding factor for me to start this army in the first place.

One of the things I’d almost forgotten about (as I assembled it about 6 months ago!) but people have been positively commenting on a lot recently is my assault cannon conversion. In my head I had a picture of Alpha tech being far more advanced than the other legions, making use of experimental prototypes. Where that comically long kheres pattern cannon was concerned, there’s no way it would be practical for a boarding action so I cut it down and made a snub-nose version. It turned out much better than expected - very brutal looking.

Another thing I had some fun with was airbrush stencils for this guy, as you can see I’ve got scales patterned on certain parts of the model. It was a pretty neat effect but it didn’t quite work out in all the places I used it, for example on the legs around the raised details and the curved hip plates where I couldn’t get a stencil flat with ease. I had to repaint it on manually in these cases, but this turned out really well too so I’m quite pleased with the effect overall.

Here's one under flash to overcompensate for my poor lighting:

So that’s 210 points of contemptor dreadnought done for those still keeping track…

Syra out.