Thursday 31 December 2015

Alpha Whirly Scorps ready for war!

Man I love Christmas time. Forget the turkey and the cranberry sauce. No fat men in red suits or babies in mangers for me please! I didn't even get any presents. Nope, I love this time of year because I get so much time off to unwind and paint! 

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Tactical squads incoming.

With Christmas come and  gone it’s been a rather hectic few weeks and I have to confess I have not got nearly as much completed as I was hoping! So in my previous post I pledged a volkite caliver squad, an autocannon squad and a vigilator which fell rather short of getting my attention.
Instead I turned my eye to the trusty tactical marines that are the bread and butter of my Iron Warrior horde. I;ve got two completed tactical squads as follows:

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Alpha Rhino complete!

Short and sweet post today - I painted my Deimos Rhino. I have to say it started as a struggle (filling all the holes in the tracks and exhaust pipes with metal paint is a chore) but turned into a real joy with the detailing/stenciling and highlights.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Blood Angel Assault Squad Finished.

I finished up 5 more assault marines to bulk out my Assault Squad to 15 marines, 3 with power axes. One step closer to 2k points for our Horus Heresy Weekender throw down.  It's getting closer and I'm looking forward to a weekend worth of Gaming goodness.  Lots of to look forward to and hopefully buy.  I can see a Legion Glaive in my future....

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Risen Dead, to War once more!

Much like Buteo I'm just getting on with the painting. Ah such freedom the lack of being shackled to a commitment brings… and it’s still a long road to the Heresy Weekender in February. Here's what I've done in the meantime…

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Achievement Unlocked! Legal Legiones Astartes Force.

I've been working on my IX Legiones Astartes force for 9 months now and I've finally got an age of darkness legal force completely painted!  I'm quite happy with myself and pushing to have a 2k force done in time for the Horus Heresy Weekender in February.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Enter the Raven Guard!!

Hey Guys so ive got around to taking some more pics of the stuff I'm working on. Now given all the cool Heresy stuff that forge world are churning out, i had simply had to induldge and start a new legion force. Its the Raven Guard!

The Raven have amazing lore and background story, and love the way special forces/ Murder ninja feel they have. I also wanted to see how i would cope with painting black, as it is notoriously hard to get right.