Wednesday 27 January 2016

Blood Angel's Contemptor Dreadnought

This model was a joy to paint.  What's not to love?  Lots of details, large areas to shade and blend colours in and it's a freaking robot!  Sadly it's only 95% of the way there.  If you look closely the the shields on the shoulder and leg are not done.  I don't know what to put there yet and am waiting on the next Horus Heresy book so I can get some ideas.  I'm getting much better at my shading a blending and it's not as "bright" anymore. 

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Vigilator Alpha HQ

Hey guys, a quick post today to let you know I'm a closer! I mean, I've finished painting my HH weekender army, and the last model to be completed was my Vigilator. Progress below:

Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Master of Signals!

Who is a deep-cover cell operative meant to call when they need a noisy exfiltration? None other than the famous harbinger of orbital annihilation and master of signals that calls himself Alpharius.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Legion IX Vigilator

Vigilator Complete!  This was a fun guy to paint, overall I think he came out very well.  There's always something that you want to do better.  I based this model off the limited edition consul when forgeworld's new webstore opened, cape from Asterion Moloc, and the head is from the ravenwing biker sprue. Now I've got a stealthy guy to lead my army, tactically I want to use him to scout my assault squad or tactical squad.  The fact he has stealth gives my troops a little bit more resilience.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Along came a tyrant!

So after some rather furious painting to make up for going off on a tangent from my original commitment I’ve managed to get through 5 tyrant siege terminators all with cyclone missile launchers, which is a nice 295pts to add to my completions!

Monday 4 January 2016

Happy New Year Battle Brothers!

And what a thing to kick off the year with. I should have made this my New Year's resolution - 3 days of holidays left and a hell of a challenge set out. Paint a Sicaran. See how that went below. 

Sunday 3 January 2016

For The Emperor and Sanguinius!


I've definitely ended the year on a high note having completed my 1500 point Blood Angel force.  This is going to be a long post so you may want to make a cup of tea.  This project has almost consumed my entire hobby existence for 2015.  I must say it's been a long road but worth it at the end.  I've been in this hobby for over 10 years and this is the 2nd 1500 army that I've painted in completeness.  Though I'm going to apply some decals and markings once I get the 6th Horus Heresy book into my hands.