Saturday 16 April 2016

Legion IX Elite


Legiones Astartes Terminators are amongst the most feared warriors in the galaxy.  Best suited for engagements in confined quarters and for being all around bad asses!  This kit is great, I got them nearly 10 months ago and assembled them but didn't paint them yet.  I had a lot of fun buliding and painting them.  To make them stand out a little bit from my bog standard marines, I've painted black marble on their left shoulder pad and single knee pad.  The bases are also a departure from my normal ones, I added more colours and variation to flooring.

Monday 4 April 2016

Tread Carefully, and with a Big Gun.

Another completion! I know I have been rather quiet as of late but have been rather distracted with numerous side projects which you will see very soon in my next blog!

Sunday 3 April 2016

Buteo Returns with WIPs!

Life has got in the way and I haven't had as much time as I would like for my Legiones Astartes.  I even played a game!  I have made some minor progress though by stealing half an hour here and maybe an hour there.  I've been painting my Cataphratii Terminators and assembled a Proteus Land Raider.  I really hope in the future that FW molds all the tracks onto the vehicle itself as I easily spent an hour to get my tracks on correctly and making it stable again.  Argh!  It won't stop me from buying more models like that but it will continue to annoy me to no end!