Sunday 28 February 2016

Post Weekender Projects

I was hoping to have a lengthy discussion about my hobby projects but work has been rather manic since the Weekender and I've not even had the time to take a breath and debrief. A battle report will surely follow. All in good time.

As I've barely managed to hobby this month I will tease you with my next project and this year's plans, I can say only this: There will be shields, bikes, Children, death from the skies and a Primarch. Here's a WIP:

Monday 8 February 2016

Fresh Blood Joins the 4th Legion

So what seems like an age since my last blog post I’ve finally got round to another completed squad and my first character (albeit a support character!). There have been many a distraction which has kept me from getting my squaddies finished which you will see later…

Monday 1 February 2016

The XXth Legion.

The reason we started this blog was to get a heresy army painted up over 6 months. The idea was to paint up 1500 points, and it turned out to be harder than expected to get done. Better late than never, and I was surprisingly only a couple of weeks later than expected in hitting my goal!