Monday 23 November 2015

The Path of Iron, Rust and Endless Trenches!

So….how did it I get here? A short little story before I get to the Grand Battalion at work. Like many who found Chaos in the much hallowed 3.5 edition, it has been hard ever since to find an army with as flavoursome rules and representation for the traitor legions. Back then I was a Word Bearer but no more! I’ve dipped my feet in and out of 40k over the past few years but it’s all just got a bit crazy for me with stacking rules, formations and unbound, that’s not a game I want to spend a few precious hours in the evening playing.

Friday 20 November 2015


So after months of frantic painting and a few games scattered in between, i ve finally managed to get around posting some WIP pics. I must add at this point some the models in the pics are completed or or close to, i just have been too busy to take more pictures. Hopefully it should give you an idea of the flavour of the force.

Justaerin Terminators

The Justaerin at various stages of completion

Thursday 19 November 2015

Syra's commitment catch ups!

The Alphas rockin' it up in da club...

Picture heavy post incoming today... One hell of a heavy commitment accomplished!

Buteo's Musings

In an attempt to post regularly I will be starting a series of posts where I share what I find interesting in the hobby world and maybe some WIPs of stuff I'm working on.

Betrayal at Calth Thoughts

As many people know Betrayal of Calth has been released with the highly anticipated plastic 30k space marines.  You get a lot of bang for your buck as you get 30 MKIV Marines, 5 Cataphratii Termies, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 1 Chaplain and 1 Terminator Preator.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with everything but it's a lot of good stuff.  I didn't get it for the game so I'm not going to speculate if it's going to be good or not but will share some thoughts about the minis in the box.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Buteo Returns!

Like Vulkan, I rise from the dead to bring you more IXth Legion goodness!  Lots of exciting things have happened and most excitingly is the announcement of book VI with the rules for Blood Angels!  More after the jump.