Thursday 6 August 2015

FloorHammer 30k Battle Report (PART 2)

Battle Report: The Traitors Reveal Themselves! (Part 2)

This is the second part - Read Part 1 Here!

If you thought the battle was bloody so far - at this point in the story things get really ugly and a whole lot starts to die...

Turn 3 - Grimdark

The trap is sprung

Saturday 1 August 2015

Syra's Month #1 Complete and Month #2 Committments

It has been a great month for hobbying all around, starting with the brilliant FW open day in Nottingham and carrying on with a lot of fun (and occasionally grueling) times spent making my first Forge World resin army.

Not to mention the excellent battle that the three of us had with our fledgling legions (the second part of the battle report is coming soon)!

Buteo's Month #1 Complete and Month #2 Commitments.

It's been a busy month of hobbying for me.  Not just painting and assembling miniatures but I've been to Warhammer World twice in two weeks.  I went to the FW open day on July 7th and then for gaming with my Gaming club.