Sunday 22 May 2016

Minor progress is still progress...

I have painted the grand total of one model in the last couple of months due to my frantic work schedule. But hey, that makes 2 gal vorbak! 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Legion XI Deredeo with Shiny New Assault Cannons

Finished up the Assault Cannons for my Deredeo.  Now he can shoot down some traitors even better than before!  Although from my experience so far with him it probably won't be needed.  The only time when I needed to shoot those guys are defensively before I was going to get charged, now people will have to be extra careful as they can take up to 11 shots if they get too close.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Buteo's WIP - Assault Cannon Edition

With the release of Retribution, Blood angels got access to Assault Cannons on everything!  So here's the start of my decent into assault cannon heaven.  I've got a tournament coming up and I'm taking my Deredeo Contemptor Dreadnought with me and with a few extra points left over I decided to give it twin linked assault cannons.  This was a really easy conversion to do.  I used the assault cannons from the Ravenwing landspeeder upgrade sprue I had lying around.  I just took the front of the assault cannons and the glue the ammo box to the bottom.