Tuesday 21 July 2015

JULY-ish commitment.

Wow, so it turns out this regular blog commitment is a bit harder to to stick to in real life lol. Kudos to Buteo and Syra to hanging in there and really getting some work done.

Having said that i haven't been a complete slouch and have got a fair amount of assembling done and the accompanying work that comes with that, especially when it comes to resin!

So this months commitment is going to be to complete the tactical squad I've started to paint, which you'll see in the pic below and the assembled army so far which i used in our game on the weekend, which was a blast!! This is by no means the finished army, there are many more units to come and i can't wait. This project has really made me regret not getting stuck into HH earlier, but better late than never!

The Sons of Horus so far..
You'll also see a headless Abaddon, as i will be painting in parts as he deserves that extra special attention. 

The tactical squad is about 190 points i was going to paint the the Rhino too, but after seeing Buteo's amazing Blood Angels, i MUST get an Airbrush for two reasons, the increase in speed, but also the fantastic results you get. 

FloorHammer 30k Battle Report (PART 1)

Battle Report: The Traitors Reveal Themselves!

Hey everybody, today is a special battle report because it's probably the only occasion for a long (long) while that all three of us would be in the same place.

I worked my ass off to have a fully assembled army ready to go for this one and I'll be showing off some pics of those models in a progress post soon.
So without any further ado, and apologies in advance for the over-saturated and fairly poor iPhone photography, let's get into it!

Monday 6 July 2015

Syra's month #1 - July commitments

I went out like a madman last month and got myself a giant pile of 30k, my entire 1500 points (and a bit more - all at once) and now it’s here!

All the pretties!

It’s all a little overwhelming at the moment and so I’m going to be sneaky with my first month’s target...